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tapete e cogumelos.jpg
"With the sound pieces I compose, I want to activate the sense that nature, with its waters, rivers, seas, oceans, animals, plants, rocks, mountains, wind, fire, tells its story."

Tassia Mila (gatopretopulando)



"I am a sound composer and visual artist, a weaver - I make hand-knitted garments - and an experimental artist with the body, voice and other media, supporting transmission lines for the transit of sounds, images, voices, music and atmospheres.

I compose sound and visual books, sonic tales, imaginations, vignettes, video art, experimental films; 

I research the practice of experimental cinema and the survival of images, their presence, appearances, persistence and movement in the fabric of time, and beyond which transit along with the cosmology of my indigenous ancestry, generational transmissions and the cosmovision of Jurema and the Catimbó culture.

I was born and raised in Jequié-Bahia. My entire family comes from the rural region of the city of Maracás, in Bahia, and my paternal family is  Pataxó-Tupi indigenous, and part of the Kiriri maternal family.

I currently live in São Paulo capital and I'm studying Fine Arts at USP-University of São Paulo"

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