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Tassia Mila (gatopretopulando)



"I am a sound composer and visual artist, a weaver - I make hand-knitted garments - and an experimental artist with the body, voice and other media, supporting transmission lines for the transit of sounds, images, voices, music and atmospheres.

I compose sound and visual books, sonic tales, imaginations, vignettes, video art, experimental films; 

I research the practice of experimental cinema and the survival of images, their presence, appearances, persistence and movement in the fabric of time, and beyond.

I was born and raised in Jequié-Bahia. My family comes from the region of the city of Maracás, in Bahia, and has Kiriri-Tupinambá indigenous peoples origin.

I currently live in São Paulo capital and I'm studying Fine Arts at USP-University of São Paulo"

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